
Road Policing Scene Manager

Road Policing Scene Manager

Road Policing Scene Manager training can be delivered to your organisation at a venue of your choice at a time convenient to you.

Police Training

Road Policing Scene Manager

About this Course

The thoughtful, effective, and proactive management of the collision scene is critical to achieving the right outcomes during any serious collision investigation. This newly developed course will equip those individuals tasked with Roads Policing Scene Managment with the key skills and knowledge that they need to perform this important role confidently and to a very high standard.

The scenario-based training is underpinned with the most current theory, relevant legislation and practical advice and support from subject matter experts.

In House Training

Sancus Road Policing Scene Manager training can be delivered for your organisations, at a venue of your choice. If you have a number of candidates it may be cost effective to host the course in your own force. Because of the specialist nature of this training it is beneficial for us to discuss your exact needs and requirements.

Please contact us and our senior course trainer will be pleased to arrange a consultation.

The Road Policing Scene Manager Course has been delivered to delegates from over twenty UK police forces and other organisations.