
Conflict Management Training

Conflict Management – In House Training

Sancus Conflict Management Training can be delivered for your organisation at a venue and time of your choice, each course will have the capacity to train up to twenty delegates at one time.

Investigative​ Training

Conflict Management Training

About this Course

Organisational and employee benefits from Conflict Management Training

Sancus Solutions is offering a one-day training course in conflict Management. The course demonstrates tried-and-tested and easy to master methods of dealing with problematic situations. This training is aimed at equipping staff members with the necessary skills and knowledge to defuse potentially aggressive or violent situations which arise in the workplace.

The primary advantage for organisations in training their staff in conflict management is the ensuring of safety for all parties involved, as well as avoiding any potentially protracted disputes which may be expensive and reputation damaging.

Who is this Course For?

The Sancus conflict Management training will be beneficial for any role which involves inter-action with customers or service users including:

Conflict Resolution Course Details and Aims

This one day course covers a comprehensive range of topics, including:

Our experienced trainers will demonstrate practical exercises and examples devised to give attendees real-world skills to use in the workplace to assess conflict risk, management conflicts and prevent conflict from arising.