
Sancus Operations

Sancus Operations

Sancus Solutions began providing training in police Professional Standards investigations over ten years ago. In the time since, training had been provided to all 43 Home Office forces in England and Wales, staff associations, British Transport Police, Ministry of Defence Police, Civil Nuclear Constabulary, ports police, the National Crime Agency and personnel from a number of Police & Crime Commissioner’s offices.

Officers from the Crown Dependencies, Bermuda, Gibraltar and Cyprus (Sovereign Base Area) have also received training from us in Professional Standards.

As a result, Sancus has become the leading provider of Professional Standards training, a position that was acknowledged when the College of Policing commissioned the company to provide the national training programme when new police complaint and conduct regulations were introduced in 2020.

The new legislation created a requirement that local policing bodies should be responsible for undertaking reviews of some police complaints where the complainant was dissatisfied with the outcome. This is a role that a number of local policing bodies have commissioned Sancus to help them provide.

To allow the best possible focus on the Professional Standards Training and OPCC Review work, Sancus Operations Ltd was established as a stand-alone company in 2021. The company also provide a consultancy service to police forces, assessing their implementation of the regulatory framework required for optimum complaint handling and conduct investigation.

Training Provided

Sancus Operations provide a number of scheduled training courses each year around England & Wales. Details of upcoming courses around the country throughout the year, and availability of places, can be obtained by e-mailing-

Our company also provides bespoke training to forces, OPCC’s and staff associations on all aspects of Professional Standards work.  This includes annual refresher packages for all PSD staff.  To find out more about what we can do for you please contact-

Our Main Courses
Investigations in Professional Standards Course (5 days, or 4 days for single force delivery)

This practical based course provides a firm grounding in police/law enforcement complaints and misconduct investigation including legislation, guidance and case law. Courses are scheduled across England & Wales throughout the year, or can be run in-house for any force that has significant numbers of staff to train at any one time.

Professional Standards Investigation course for fire & rescue services
Following recent HMICFRS inspections and culture reports on fire and rescue services this practical course has been developed for those who investigate allegations of misconduct or grievances. It also caters for managers who are responsible for decision-making in these cases.
The course includes elements including dealing with allegations of discrimination; whistleblowing; disciplinary interviews, investigation techniques and assessing seriousness.
The course is either three or five days. Alternatively, the course can be adapted to individual fire & rescue service requirements depending on demand.
Three-day Vetting Professionals Course

The course has been introduced to provide practitioners with an awareness of national vetting principles and draws on the vetting APP and national best practice. The three days have been developed in consultation with NPCC vetting experts, and the College of Policing.  

Exercises included within the course focus on the use of NDM in decision-making. Case studies are also used to consider significant vetting issues including protected cautions and Centurion history.  They are intended to promote consistency and address issues identified in HMICFRS inspections.  

The training provides a foundation for those new to police vetting, but is equally useful to experienced vetting professionals, and is compliant with all recent and upcoming changes in the vetting standards set out by the College of Policing. Decision making in vetting is the main focus of the training.   

DSI/Post Incident Procedures One-day Workshop
For all officers/staff who may have a role in the investigation or initial response to this type of incident. Courses are scheduled across England & Wales throughout the year, and also on line (via Teams).
Complaint Handling for triage/service recovery staff (2 days)
A two day course for those staff members dealing with service recovery/volume complaint handling. It covers all the relevant legislation and also communication skills based on police trained negotiator communication skills. The course is usually delivered on a bespoke basis in-force.
Police Misconduct Meeting & Hearings (1 day)
Designed for officers/staff who may conduct police misconduct meetings (generally Chief Inspectors or above) or who may sit on public police misconduct hearings (Superintendent or above). Courses can be provided to individual forces where required.
Regs Course for ACU staff (2-3 days)
Usually run in-house or on a regional basis, this course provides the training in regulations which all ACU/CCU staff need to ensure their work meets regulatory requirements.
Complaints and Misconduct for Local Policing Bodies (1 day)
Designed to provide an overview of the Regulations and guidance relevant for local policing bodies. Courses can be provided on a regional basis.
Dealing with Welfare (1 day)

Course designed to be delivered to individuals who have a responsibility for the welfare of officers/staff who are subject to Professional Standards (or IOPC) investigation. Courses can be provided to individual forces where required.
In addition to this standard range of courses, we can provide a bespoke training package to meet your requirements. This may include;

  • Dealing with Discrimination
  • General Refresher and Update
  • Police Vetting
  • Counter Corruption

Sancus Operations have access to a number of individuals who have considerable experience in Professional Standards investigation, management, inspection and policy development. We have worked with forces to help them develop best working practices in this area. If you would like to discuss consultancy services we can provide please contact-